Recipe: Yummy Sup Jamur Enoki ala SariYogaYogie

Sup Jamur Enoki ala SariYogaYogie.

Sup Jamur Enoki ala SariYogaYogie You can cook Sup Jamur Enoki ala SariYogaYogie using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sup Jamur Enoki ala SariYogaYogie

  1. You need 3 bungkus of jamur enoki.
  2. Prepare 3 buah of wortel.
  3. Prepare 5 buah of sosis.
  4. You need 10 butir of bakso.
  5. You need 1 butir of bawang bombay.
  6. It's 1 batang of loncang.
  7. Prepare 2 batang of seledri.
  8. You need 7 siung of bawang putih.
  9. It's 1 sendok makan of merica bubuk.
  10. You need 1 sendok makan of garam.
  11. You need 1 sendok makan of gula pasir.
  12. It's 1/2 sendok teh of kaldu bubuk.
  13. You need 750 ml of air.

Sup Jamur Enoki ala SariYogaYogie step by step

  1. Buang bonggol jamur enoki, cuci bersih.
  2. Potong-potong wortel, bakso, sosis, loncang, seledri. Iris bawang bombay. Keprek bawang putih..
  3. Didihkan air bersama bawang keprek, merica, garam, gula pasir..
  4. Masukkan wortel. Setelah setengah matang, masukkan bawang bombay, sosis, dan bakso..
  5. Masukkan jamur enoki, loncang, dan seledri. Terakhir, masukkan kaldu bubuk..
  6. Taraaaa... Sup jamur enoki siap disajikan. Selamat memasak 💞.

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